The Necessary Amount Of Income Needed Before Getting Married.
It seems that many ladies don't want to become realistic with things.
I guess that lady is selfish, she is looking at how well that young will be able to take care of her and not the common good of the marriage.
Generally, ladies with this kind of mindset are parasitic in nature. They collect but don't give.
Generally, ladies with this kind of mindset are parasitic in nature. They collect but don't give.
A healthy marriage is a place where the two spouses are GREAT givers. Doesn't love to give? The way some ladies go about love relationships and marriage, you will be wondering if their version of love is a love that doesn't give.
Now back to the main question:
There is no uniform financial income two lovers must have before getting married because it has variance given the country, standard of living in a particular location, and their taste.
However, no matter one's economic realities, the following must be addressed first:
1) Feeding of at least three months (the husband, wife, and the baby underway)
2) Payment of house rent
3) Payment of utility bills
4) Little savings to address some emergencies.
If both lovers don't have this financial ability yet, they should hold on with their marriage plans. Money plays a major role in the sweet running of a home. Please I am not talking about millions of Naira here, I am talking about one's ability to provide the basics at home.
Sadly, many people throw caution to the wind. You hear them say "I am not working by sight, but by faith." Of course, as God's children, we are expected to walk by faith and not by sight. But what I am yet to understand about all that faith charade is people claiming to have faith yet being so indebted for the provision of just basics of life.
This goes like this...
They borrow to feed
They borrow to pay a utility bill
They borrow to pay for house rent
They borrow to pay even the smallest of medical bills.
They borrow to pay the school fees of their children attending the cheapest of schools.
In fact, they borrow for virtually everything.
Please tell me: where is faith there?
Is this not being untruthful to ourselves?
Is this not being unwise?
Sometimes you will see a family with five children, yet the parents are earning so low or don't have a steady income. I think that's shooting yourself on your leg.
Aside from faith, we need wisdom to live.
If you don't have an income that can sustain the basics of a home, please hold on with your marriage plans.
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