Monday, March 3, 2025

Desperate To Win In Network Marketing.

If you want to be the talk  of the town, a well known mentor and someone others would want to imitate in network marketing, believe me this article is for you.
Being desperate to win this business, it's means doing it with everything in you. 

Imagine doing it even in our dreams as we are sleeping, you know that kind of vibes when you are doing something and that thing is part of you even to the extent that you are doing that particular thing in your sleep, you will not dream of anything else outside that circle, that's the kind of desperation you should have in network marketing.

Networking is more of spiritual than physical because your mindsets and imagination plays important role in your daily activities and dreams are something of spiritual because we are not seeing it, they are emotional pictures, we are looking up to it but we cannot see them physically, they are not tangible.

Everything we should be doing is giving it our all, thinking of how we are going to sell our products, how we are going to connect people from the level they are to a better level, how we are going to change lives because the company main motive is to connect people and change their lives.
God has changed our lives already because the moment you find yourself in a networking company your life has changed already, so we don't need to stop, we need to be desperate in every day in our activities, we should be desperate to win successfully.
Let's just give the opportunity to everybody, be desperate to save people's life, I'm saying this to everyone, there is nothing like this person is the right man or woman to be given the opportunity, is until the person get registered then you will know this is the right one, so why can't we give the opportunity to whoever we know? 

Don't feel that this person is your superior or not, or maybe the person will just come and buy product and go, you don't know whether it's that same person that will change your networking system because nobody is financially stable, they might claim to be stable but they don't have the financial freedom.

For example, you might have money today, you don't know what will happen tomorrow and everything will turn upside down, maybe the government might bring in a policy that will not favour your business then you will start from scratch again.
So nobody is doing well financially in comfortable zone even if they are doing well in your eyes, you can say yes this man or woman is living well but they are not financially free, so why can't we give them the opportunity of network marketing so the person will make good money?

These are the particular people that will help you grow in the business, you might say okay let me call this person, my right and my left the ones that don't have anything, normally we are helping mankind and nobody is exceptional so far as prosperity is concerned, nobody is financially free until you meet here as a network marketing, so let's give it out to everyone, the ones you think you might call to come and do this business very well, they might not have the grace to refer, you will still be the one to do the work of referring and selling products for them.

So why prejudging? Why saying let's leave this one first? Don't segregate, you don't know the person that will move your system, be desperate to give out to as many as you can, let them come and believe God will help because provided you are doing it and it's in you, you will win.

Let everything about you change to network marketing, if it's in you, you will never relax when you haven't sold products. Give yourself targets that's the best thing you can do and if you give yourself targets and you fail to fulfill the promise you've given to yourself just don't take it that you are a failure, you don't need to be a failure you are a warrior you know yourself. 
Once you set your targets do according to it, you will see yourself achieving it.

Hold your chest, I am going to sell 10 products this month which means 10 registered prospect, I am going to confirm a diamond level this month, be desperate and determine to do it, and you will win.

Don't just be a networker, but be desperate to win. We need to be doing it every day, every seconds and minutes of our days so we can win.

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