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.Parenting Is A Relationship.

Everything you need to do for a relationship to thrive, apply it to your parenting style on your children.  Things like Emotional connection between you and your children, spending quality time together whether at home or not, be committed to the things that matters to your children which includes their education, friendships with others, their likes and dislike, be consistency in showing your children love, communication is always and will forever be one of the keys of Good relationship, always communicate with your kids and also allow them to freely and willingly communicate their challenges to you, be tolerance to them while you are grooming that child, forgiveness is as well important because children will always make mistakes so don't fail to forgive your children whenever they are wrong, prove trust to them and teach them how to trust others too, make them to understand the needs and the importance of honesty, respect your partner in their presence and in their absence by thi
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Beautiful But Ugly Union Everyone Wants To Join.

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Good Morning Blessings And Prayers.

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What I Discovered About Christian And Witch.

"This is personal opinion, I have 100% right to give it and you as a reader is free to counter it even on the comment section". I have been a Christian for years now, in fact I'm a strong believer and I practice Christianity with everything in me. On the other hand, I have been part of witches because at some point in my life I began to think that christian life is not working for me again, I almost abandon God so I can be a complete witch after all I personally understand that a witch doesn't do evil things but just want to be powerful spiritually. So because I have been part of these religious group, I can vividly tell the different between witch and Christian. 1. Christians believe in God for everything with faith while a witch want it to happen as a ritual is performed. 2. Christians communicate with God through prayers meanwhile witches communicate to gods and spirits via rituals. 3. Witches believe in the existence of many spirits, christians believe there are m

My Terrible Experience In Toxic Relationship.

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How To Change Your Name After Marriage.

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After I Thought Is Better To Be A Witch.

I was born into a Christian home throughout my life I am a Christian even till this very moment. I believe in God and I submit to him on everything that concerns me and my family now that I am married. I got married 5 years ago and up to now I still surrounder everything concerning me and my household into the hand of God because I know that with him my family will be at peace.  When I was growing up, I have been hearing about witches and wizard but then I was afraid of witchcraft which is the activities of which and wizard. I have always wanted to be autonomously powerful spiritually, so that I can fight battles in the spirit and be famous both physically, all this has been going on in my mind even while I was still at young age but still I strongly believe that I will achieve it while being a good Christian.  So one day I asked my mother if the devil really has powerful she said yes, then again I asked her does witches have strong power she said yes, although my mom is a strong chris

The Necessary Amount Of Income Needed Before Getting Married.

It seems that many ladies don't want to become realistic with things. I guess that lady is selfish, she is looking at how well that young will be able to take care of her and not the common good of the marriage. Generally, ladies with this kind of mindset are parasitic in nature. They collect but don't give. A healthy marriage is a place where the two spouses are GREAT givers. Doesn't love to give? The way some ladies go about love relationships and marriage, you will be wondering if their version of love is a love that doesn't give. Now back to the main question: There is no uniform financial income two lovers must have before getting married because it has variance given the country, standard of living in a particular location, and their taste. However, no matter one's economic realities, the following must be addressed first: 1) Feeding of at least three months (the husband, wife, and the baby underway) 2) Payment of house rent 3) Payment of utility bills 4) Litt