Network Marketing is not like other businesses outside there, even though in your previous job or businesses You must be committed for you to see a tangible results in your efforts. Likewise here You have to commit yourself 100%, it's very, important so you can see great results that will make you happy.
How do you commit yourself in the business?
You should start with personal growth.
This type of growth in the business is as crucial as the air you breathe in and out. Through personal growth you will understand that there are basic things you need to know about networking system and if you don't commit yourself, you can't learn them talk more of applying, which will affect your success negatively.
And how do you develop yourself for the personal growth?
First of all is your personal commitment because if you need something, you have to go for it.
In your previous Jobs, because you want to get promoted that's why you were working hard to get it? And at the end your boss takes their own huge share, then give you peanuts as salary.
Your personal growth here start when you zero yourself to nothing, empty your old-self, and focus on learning something new from every angle available.
Zeroing yourself simply means total humility to whoever that's above you in the business so you can grab knowledge from the person because he or she is there before you. From there you will see yourself being refilled with new knowledge and ideas about the business. For example, If the cup is filled with anything, even if you are adding more liquid into it, it will not enter, right? It will be pouring on the ground. That's how it works with personal growth and commitment. So if you do not turn yourself to zero, definitely nothing can enter.
For you to be able to learn what you need to move forward in the business, you must humble yourself to the core. Imagine waking you up from sleep then ask you to recite the paradigm shift and the 8 basic building blocks and you recite them easily without someone helping you? If you didn't give yourself that personal commitment to learn them, you cannot learn it or recite them.
Also for you to create perfect awareness to a prospect, when you start, they must teach you awareness. Teach you how to prospect. Teach you how to do follow up on your prospect, and how to present Company name and products well.
It all falls in your commitment to know these things.
If you are eager, you want to make this money as fast as possible in network marketing, you must bend down yourself to learn. Those are the basics, and learning is not enough, if you are not putting it in the proper way, you cannot achieve your daily results, do it well and at the end of the week, there must be a success. If you don't get this week, you must get it next week.
Unfortunately so many people fail in their commitment because their dreams are not prioritized. If your dream is a priority, in your commitment level, nobody needs to tell you to do this or that for you to grow, you will do it because you put something first which you want to achieve, that's your dream, your set goals, and target for the week or month. So we should prioritize our dream because that's the engine of our commitment.
I want to encourage you to get committed to learning new things, attend seminars and conferences, be determined to grow, gain new knowledge everyday at least 1%, nobody should talk you out of it not even from comfort zone or someone that has already quite network marketing, your success is tied to your personal commitment so don't neglect it.
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