Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The Light Of God In Celebration Of Christmas.

Now, God has decided to make sure we understand and He said he prefer to speak to us through His Son, that's why he was born in human body. Jesus Christ has come that you may have life and not live in a bondage of anything that's caging your destiny not to grow and manifest as planned by God.

John 3 verse 16 made it obviously that God almighty loved mankind so much that He had to allow His Son to be among us, to be our Emmanuel. Even though we can think He can be seen because he is born to us, but He remains God because he's begotten and not made like us.
Yes He is seen in human form, yet He remains the Son of the Father.
The only begotten Son of the Father. Now, how are we already welcoming the newborn child? The child is born to us for our liberation.

Today, like our today's Presbyterian says, all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our Lord.
Have we really encountered the Lord?
Which now leads us to today's reading, which is from the book of Isaiah 9 verse 6, I know that's a popular Bible chapter but have you ever think deep about the benefits of the birth of Christ in your life? You have the answer so answer it sincerely to yourself otherwise read it again.

Have we experienced the salvation of our Lord in your life?
How did we prepare about it today?
How lightened up are our lives?
Are there traces of darkness in our lives?
As we are singing, jubilating, and as we are celebrating to be in a public street contest.
Let us know that, yes, we are happy but inside of us, are we still prisoners for whatever way of lifestyles we are living today? For whatever kind of sin we commit in secrets?
Are we still prisoners even to ourselves by being extremely selfish?
Brothers and sisters, God has shown us that it is not correct to be selfish.
God Will never reduce his divinity, but yet he went all out to save us. We are grateful to Him.

Have we allowed our lives to be enlightened, allowing the Holy Spirit to illuminate our minds, so that whatever it is we are going through, we will always see whatever it's from the perspective of the divine.

Obviously we are happy today because God has unarmed us.
God has raised us up, considered us, made us His own, and he has brought us very close to Himself, because by the fact of the incarnation, God is now speaking through us, so that when we now pray, or raise our hands, kneeling down before Him, He will be hearing the words of His Son. That's why the Lord's Prayer is very powerful.
If you meditate on that and then use it to connect to God, God will always hear you.

I pray that the celebration of the birth of Christ will bring everlasting light into your life, amen.

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