Everything about your marriage is your privacy and should be discussed only with selected few persons, and they are the must trusted in your life these persons includes your partner.
Keep it as secrets;
1. How you enjoy lovemaking with your partner, it's your privacy please, not even your best friend should know about it.
1. How you enjoy lovemaking with your partner, it's your privacy please, not even your best friend should know about it.
2. How many children you and your husband agreed to give birth to, you are not in any childbearing competition with anyone so keep it to yourself, it's not for public consumption.
3. Keep to yourself when you discuss with your lover about your next romantic vacation. The person you want to tell about the vacation are looking for their financial assistance? If no, why are you discussing your privacy with them?
4. The financial success of your husband or wife is only for the knowledge of the two of you, don't use your mouth to attract misfortune and don't attract burglary to yourself.
5. You and your partner want to buy land property or house in a developing area? Please it should be a secret, let the project announce itself after it has been successfully accomplished.
6. When you are facing financial struggle because your husband lost his job or his business collapsed, keep it secret then go back home, have a re-strategy discussion with your partner on how to bounce back to a better financial status.
7. You had a miscarriage at a tender stage of pregnancy? Console yourself and stand on your feet, I understand it's painful but it's something to be kept secret.
8. The type of food you eat with your family especially when you are eating from hand to mouth is not for public announcement. Trust in God for a better feeding while you push your limit.
9. Never tell anyone how many times you make love with your husband or wife, please it's strictly a discussion between you and your partner.
10. If your wife doesn't know how to cook your best food, I beg you to teach her or call someone else to teach her instead of disgracing her by telling friends or family members something that's supposed to be a private topic.
11. Past life of your partner, for example your partner has 20 body counts. You are aware of this information but you went ahead to marry the person because of strong feeling of love, are you aware that for a another person to hear it from you that it can traumatise your partner because that's a secret revealed to you based on trust? Don't hurt yourself indirectly even if you don't want your lover again in your life, still keep it as secrets.
Enmity is not written on the face so by keeping these things secrets you are halfway to your success.
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