Friday, December 13, 2024

Discovered Differences Between Job And Network Marketing.

Before I go further in this topic, I want you to understand that no salary earner can have financial freedom, it's impossible. I haven't heard about it since when I was born and till this moment I haven't heard that a salary earner is now financially free and can travel round the world.
Please understand that I will explain this based on my experience as a networker put together with my knowledge of working for 8 good years under somebody as a salary earner.

I started working as a salary earner in a law firm in Lagos Nigeria from February 2015 to 2022 February. I resigned from my work even without a job, I mean I resigned and become jobless until I get another job after 3 months.

During the time I was working as a salary earner, me and my colleagues only receive Christmas and new year bonuses from the office, this comes as support for transportation money but is called bonus.
While working and putting in your efforts, you will not have time for yourself and family,  because most times I work from home on Saturday and Sunday with the same salary. From the 2015 to 2022 that I work with them, my salary was increased 3 times and the highest amount I received was 50,000, now you could imagine how much I was receiving before it was increased 3 times to 50,000, although they never skip a month in payment.

Now you have an idea of what the difference between Job And Network Marketing would be?
For the sake of more understanding, let me break it down more for you.

The difference between Job And Network Marketing.

1. In network marketing you are your own oga, it's your business, it's like entrepreneurship businesses and you have unlimited time for selling your products and services to your prospects.
Job is where you earn salary every months and sometimes you receive bonus especially during celebration like Easter, Christmas and new. Also you are under somebody's control and it's compulsory to obey even if you have complain about the instructions, it's mandatory to obey.

2. As network marketer, you have your own time, when to go out to prospect, to be trained and train your down lines because you are your own master. As a salary earner you don't determined for your boss when to resume work, where to work and how to work, and failure to follow a specific instructions regarding a particular task in the office can attract serious punishment.

3. Network Marketing is another form of entrepreneurship and it gives you financial freedom but as a salary earner you will not get financial freedom or do you think you will make more money more than your boss in the same company? It's not going to be possible no matter how hard working or smart working you are.

4. In network marketing your down lines helps you to move forward to your success because they are also making efforts to be financial free so in the process of moving forward, you as their up line is going higher. Meanwhile is not like that with job.

5. In job you receive salary and the increase comes ones in 2 years or 4 years but in network marketing you receive commission and this increases as you grow from level to level, and this can happen within a week  or a month depending on how many prospect you have and that of your down lines.

6. In network marketing there's a level you will get, whether you are at home or not you will still be receiving your commission but for job you must be active in the office before you can earn your monthly payments.

7. In network marketing you have a products and services to sell to your prospects and they also do the same to their prospects and get their commissions, but in job you give your professional services to your employer for the fixed salary.

8. In network marketing you can decide when to retire, in fact there's no retirement but enjoyments provided your down lines are increasing which triggers endless commission and you can't be retrenched but in job you could be retired with or without your concern, you could also be retrenched by your employer even for a mistake that could be fixed.

9. In network marketing you have the opportunity to put your next of kin, for example in QNet network marketing business that I belong, you have the opportunity to put your next of kin, and you have the options to change it up to 3 times, now if you eventually join your ancestors your next of kin will continue receiving your commission on your behalf but it's not that way in jobs no matter your position in that company if you join your ancestors there's nothing for your family from the company.

10. In network marketing you don't receive pension but commission meanwhile as a worker you maybe opportune to be paid pension by your employer. I said maybe because not all employer pay their employees pension, through out my stay in Lagos working under somebody's organization, I was never paid pension.

11. In network marketing you have the options to write your dreams although not all network marketing company ask for it but in QNet you are required to write your life dreams, because these are what will be motivating you to push harder and never give up until you achieve them. I mean dreams like building an estate in 5 years after joining the network marketing, building an industry to create job for your community, provision of borehole water for your community. You know things you want your community to enjoy but wasn't available because of money or it was neglected by someone that's representing your community in the state or federal level, in QNet you can put them as your dream.

12. What you get in network marketing as a reward is remuneration otherwise called commission and is not fix but as a worker you are rewarded with salary which is fixed and you don't determined how it will be increased.

As someone that has worked under somebody for 8 good years, and now a network marketer, I have shared my experiences for both sides, so if you want to make decisions choose wisely but I will advise you go for network marketing because of its unlimited benefits.

Please note that I used QNet a direct selling e-commerce company as example of network marketing business because of my experience in it as someone that's there, I was not talking about it for any other purposes.

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