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5 Prayer Points For A New Week, Prayer Series 2.

As you wake up this morning, start your day with God, committ your activities into the hand of God, your marriage and your children too, God is the greatest leader so make him your leader.

Join faithfully in this prayer here and see the goodness of God manifesting in your life.

I Pray For You.

1. I thank God Almighty for you on this special opportunity to be alive, many people could not make it through the night may the name of the Lord be glorified always, amen.

2. As you prepare for your daily activities this morning, I pray that the Lord will give His angels charge over you to keep you alive and safe that no evil will come near you, nothing will make you to cry today, amen.

3. His promises over you and your family will surely come to pass in your life this week, all the goodies that follows this month of June, as an oracle of God, I command it to start manifesting now in your life, amen.

4. Everything that is meant to be a blessing for you and your family this week will not pass you, it will all safely locate you, amen.

5. I sign you with the sign of the cross and mark you as God’s child, you shall not be identified for evil, disaster will not know you, unfortunate events will know see you, you will always be a blessing to your family, amen.

A blessed new week to you all and good morning.


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