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Showing posts from August, 2024

I Think He's Just After My Body.

Good day admin, please post for me.  There is this guy at my school, who is also a student of the school. I got to know him through my friend, because she usually hangs out with his friends and I tag along sometimes, so that way I got to know him. He requested for my phone number during our exam period and said he wants us to chat on WhatsApp and get to know each other.  I gave it to him and the next day, he sent me a message on WhatsApp and I replied and that's how we started talking. Yesterday in the evening, while we were chatting on WhatsApp, then out of nowhere he sent me a romantic related sticker.  I asked that, what kind of sticker is this and he said that is what he wants us to do. I decided to reveal to him that I am still a virgin and I haven't made love yet. He quickly sent me a voice note saying he wants to disvirgin me and after that he will send 20,000 to my account and get married to me. I told him I'm not interested in it, because I don't want to get pr

A Critical Look At Religious Beliefs.

When it comes to Christian lore, I wonder what else we don’t know. Why is it so bad that he made us realize we were naked? Also, since God knows everything, that means he knew that was gonna happen and he just let it happen so… Like or Mr. drama queen. At the end of the day you created this entire Universe, hypothetically, and you created all this bullshit and all these rules/drama, literally created a SPECIAL AREA where people can go (only humans) just in case you don’t believe in him. Like I’m sorry, but even if Christianity is real it’s so convoluted with men’s opinions, egos, iterations, and personal driving factors for power/control that what you’re reading cannot be the 100% truth. Even when I was Christian, I knew that the Bible was not 100% accurate. & the fact that it’s a sin to question the Bible is also some narcissistic shit. Source? Just trust me. It’s like dating a narcissist and asking why Domino’s is sexting them at 2 AM. And they say, “If you don’t trust me that it

He Abandon Me And Our Children, After Relocating From Port Harcourt.

Please hide my friend identity. I am having 4 kids for a man I am staying with with out not even introduction or Bride price not been paid and is not that he is not working he is working well but when the money comes he ends up spending on many women and he doesn't value me or my kids.  So about 2 years now he was transferred from Port Harcourt to Lagos so when he went to Lagos and left I and the kids in port Harcourt he was really making money but not taking care of us even his boys in the boat started building their house just in less than 3 months so his boys and everyone in the boat started calling me that I should advise my husband to spend his money wisely because he doesn't sleep in the boat anymore, instead he lodge hotel every now and then he changes woman mind you then I just put to birth twins and I stopped working and out of stress and I Lost one baby because when I was pregnant and due to birth them they said is operation.  So I called him to come because I don'

Prayers For Healing.

We need Healing in everything concerning our life our soul our body and spirit because of the things we have passed through in the course of trying to take care of ourselves.  Wounds are inevitable because as you strive as you try to make things work out well for you and your loved ones attitude or characters from other people capable of meeting you to have mental and emotional that if not cared for will result in a dilemma or rather trauma and this will affect our happiness in life. So today we are going to pray about healing for our soul, body, and our spirit emotionally and physically. Join the prayer; Oh God heal my soul and make me well again so that I can serve you with all my life for the glory of your name amen.  Oh God heal every wound, emotional wound and physical wounds that are troubling my soul make me well again for the glory of your name amen. Oh God I am standing at the door of your altar stretch out your hand touch my soul let me be healed amen. Oh God I pray for every

My Mother Want Me To Go Back To Divorce Husband, I need Advice Please.

Hi please post for me I need advice and hide my ID. This is my ugly love story. I am 20 years old, I married my husband at 19, he’s now 40,  few months in the marriage I got pregnant we had so many arguments…then we separated and he stopped talking to me,  so I went to court for reconciliation but he said he wanted a divorce and he’s going to take care of his child which the court granted him, we're now divorced and not in talking terms. Now my mom keeps asking me what I will do if he comes back , am really confused , this is where I need your advice because he has not been there for me through this pregnancy and I don't think I can let him come close to me and the love I had for him is not there again.  I don't know what to tell my mother because she says she doesn't want me to become a single mother like my sister. I will be reading comments..,,thanks family.

Is it Better To Look Beautiful Than Being Intelligent? Please Someone Should Advise Me.

 Hi admin please hide my ID. I am Uni student. My problem is before I believe in myself that I’ll end up marrying as a virgin, work hard and make money for myself. Before I don’t spend on my looks and I’m the type that’s not naturally beautiful. I really need money to my make myself beautiful but I channel it in learning. Now I don’t think so again and it’s affecting my growth because I noticed that men are attracted to beauty and I’m focused more on being beautiful and attractive and it’s affecting my studies because I’m more focused on the attention, money and love that I’m getting from guys  unlike before that they hide me  (house girlfriend), they don’t show me to their friends or flaunt me around. MY PROBLEM NOW’S I AM NO LONGER FOCUSED ON  LEARNING, LIKE NOTHING IS ENTERING MY HEAD . IF IT’S BEFORE I’M SUPPOSED TO BE AMONG THE BEST BUT NOW I’M THE LAST IN LEARNING. I don’t know if to return to my ugly self and focus on learning or still slay and enjoy my average brain. I tried do

✓ Am I Truly A Bad Wife? Please Advise Me.

Hi sir please kindly hide my ID . Am a follower and believe your noble people will give me advice. I Am 34 years this month of August 2024 and hubby will 37 years by September 10 2024, we have been married for the past 7 years now with 3 children.  We dated nearly 6 months before marriage and he lied to me that he works with a company as a mechanical engineer. I realized it was a lie after the marriage and confronted him but he didn't apologize and he was Like I wouldn't marry him that's why he lied but I forgave him and told him i will take loan for him to start a business since am working at the government sector and being paid well but he refused.  I have been footing all bills for the past 7 years  and taking care of him as well with no complaints and not for once cheated on him before. I brought a plan that we should start building our own house so we move in and he agreed but I noticed he was not in support after I roofed it and did wiring. He started picking offenses

✓ My Boyfriend Is Ghosting Me, What Should I Do.

Please help post this for me and keep me anonymous. I don’t know if i am dating myself or he is dating me. I met this guy 8 months ago just at the ATM. He approached me and we exchanged contact. Fast forward we started dating after persistent conversation, it all started well we vibe, visit each other. For the first 2 months was a great joy and happy moment. The intimacy life was good, going out and we can call each other more than 4 times a day, we don’t go a day without calling each other. I love this guy so much with my everything. This guy started giving me attitude from the 5th month, he won’t call me nor return my calls, this my boyfriend will be online but won’t reply my chats, sometimes for two days he won’t bother calling me, someone we can’t go a day without calling each other. He will later comes out with excuses that he was busy at work and that was why he is not calling me, he will apologize and end up having his way  with me. This guy will only call me when he needed to e

✓ I Have Attended 80 Churches In Port Harcourt.

Good day sir, am one of your followers please keep me anonymous.  I'm 25 years am a student running part time program.  Throughout this year I have not been going to church , whenever I think of attending any service I feel that things will go wrong with me. I was a church Goer before I have attended a lots of churches, infact I have attended more than 80 Churches in port harcourt and 4 in imo state. While I was attending their programs things were very hard for me honestly but ever since I stopped going to church my life is better now. But this year, I attended GLORY REIGN, the last day PST David Ibiyeomie said we should sow into the Church building project which I took the transfer booklet after that day my life changed for good, someone miraculously transfered 500,000 naira into my account, and another thing is a lots of men in some of the churches I attended before have asked me for lovemaking, the thing here is my mom has been disturbing me to go to church am scared I don'

Should I Choose To Divorce Him, I am Hurting.

Please I need advice on this, post for me anonymously as you used to do for others. I am married with 2 kids, I met my husband when he had nothing, we dated for 5 years and we are married for 6 years now, we suffered to the extent of begging food from family members and neighbors . All this long, he pretended to be a good man and that was why i married him.  Fast forward, 2 years after, I had a job which was paying very good , i took loan to buy him car to use as Uber here in Accra, he became financially stable after 1 year driving the uber. I bought another car for my personal use which he sometimes drives it when he don’t go to work.  My husband don't care about me ever since he became financially stable. He doesn't touch me when he return from work, he sleeps in the sofa or the guest room, he doesn’t sleep in the bedroom again. My husband has now turned different leaves, he is cheating on me with different girls, some are married women, born one’s whom i am even more beautif

Should I Choose My Sister Over My Fiancee, I am Confused.

Admin good evening sir. Please post for me and keep me anonymous, let your followers help me with advice. I live in Cape Town South Africa, my fiancee and my kid sister live with me in my apartment.  She is 24 years old and she is my only sibling. She finished her university education last year but she’s yet to get a good paying job. I am the one who trained her in school from high school to university as we lost our parents many years ago.  My fiancee on the other hand is a qualified nurse aged 23 , she’s on her first job and we are considering marrying each other soon.    Now my problem is my fiancee and my sister are at loggerheads with each other, they quarrel over everything, who greets firsts, Who should sweep the house, Who wash the dishes, who decides what food we should eat, what channel should be viewed on TV and so on. Their squabbles are endless. I have tried to to make peace but both would agree to a ceasefire for a few days and after a week or two they will begin to lock

Check Your Wife Out.

Your woman expect you to always appreciate her, it gives joy. As a romantic man, here are the things you should always do for your woman to always keep her in a happy mode. 1. Check her out like you checked her when you were dating.  2. Notice her new outfits and new hairstyle and compliment her. 3. Look at her from head to toe and praise the uniqueness of her body. 4. Check her out till she feels seen and noticed. 5. Give her eye contact that makes her feel listened to. 6. Check her out in public not as if you are monitoring her, but like a man who is proud of her. 7. Check her out as she does those little things like putting on a bra, removing her heels, bending over to do chores and grab her, kiss her or say something to make her blush. 8. Check her out with warm eyes, she feels it when she is being watched with love 9. Check her out to notice if she is OK, or she needs your hug. How you look at her boosts her self-esteem

Romantic Love Messages That Will Make Your Lover Always Think About You.

One of the best ways to keep the flame of love alive in a relationship or marriage is through communication and one of the means of that communication is sending touching and heart trick romantic love messages to your sweetheart. Love is powerful and it must be expressed in different ways so it can be enjoyed as you desired. Take a look at these irresistible love messages you can use the idea or as a template to create yours according to the way you love your partner and send it to him or her to make the person always think about you. Now I know that love is a beautiful thing, I'm freezing in your love and that's what I prayed for. There is this kind of unspeakable and irresistible happiness I always find myself in whenever I'm with you, I'm the happiest man because I have you. I wish I work from home so I can always be in your arms, cuddle you, romance you and tell you endless times that I love you. To Crown it all, you are such a beautiful woman for me, you are richly

How To Save Yourself From Marital Spiritual Problem.

I believe in spirit things, because from the spiritual realm you can control your physical world here on earth. If you believe, then this will work for you. If you know you experience stagnancy, backwardness, setback, rising and fall, hatred, lack, or whatever negativity you can think of. Get three eye coconut, sound one, make sure it has no-fault and the water inside must be good and intact. This ritual I'm about to teach is the fastest ritual ever against Uchu (bad luck). After this ritual, whoever has tampered with your star must release it. If your womb has tampered with try this ritual with conviction you will get it back. If your glory is lost try this remedy and you must do it yourself. It works against witchcraft, near success syndrome use this. Anytime you do this spiritual work, take notes of all your dreams within that period of time. Follow this step and achieve results.. Bring 3-eye coconut. The third eye of the coconut is normally the biggest eye of the coconut. Open

Important Body Languages In Marriage And Relationship Nobody Has Told You.

There is a way your husband or wife will look at with eyes contact that says "Make love to me right now my love." At that very moment, you should stop whatever you are doing and give your spouse that sweet pleasure he or she desired from you.                                                It could be an eye to eye communication that says "I am not OK". Don't be insensitive about this, sit close to your spouse and be available to listen because you are seriously needed. Women especially may not have anything serious to discuss with you, just that she wants you to romance her, touch her sensitive places, play with her body, cuddle her, and appreciate her for loving you. It will give her joy and that's part of the attention every woman wants to have from her man. There is a way your spouse will look at you with the eyes that say "I am scared of losing you my heartbeat."  Immediately you noticed this sign, you should hug your partner and confirm to him

The Secrets Of Healthy Marriage And Relationship.

Having a healthy relationship is very possible with these secrets and tips listed in this article. Transparency means being open to your spouse no matter what happen and how it happened, also it means giving a clear report of finances as well as it concerns your marriage. No secrets. You know secrets lead to trust issues, and trust issues lead to the end of most relationships.  The vulnerability I always say is the key to deeper intimacy. When two people can see themselves totally, it helps them to navigate their love life in the right direction. Vulnerability levels the playground in a relationship. You see your partner's strengths and weaknesses, and they see yours, and both of you are able to know how best to support each other.  Money or financial stability and relationships are 5 and 6. They can hardly do without each other. Money doesn't solve everything but makes relationships a little less stressful because you will have fewer things to worry about if you can solve them

5 Major Causes Of Delay In Marriage Among Women.

Life doesn't treat to all of us the same way. To some people, financial breakthrough and marital breakthrough happen to them early enough in their lives. Whereas with others, it might take them much time. The truth of the matter is that: everyone has their time with God. Honestly speaking, I find it very disturbing and uncharitable when some men mock ladies who are still unmarried in their 30s or above. Some men have even posited that it's their bad character that hindered them from getting married. It's untrue because it's' not a general rule.  There are some certain things I will tell you that are  responsible for women not marrying early enough. Let's briefly see the common factors. 1) Destined time: Everybody has a time with God. Your time may not be someone else's time. 2) Wrong suitors: Some ladies get proposal from wrong guys. You don't expect a lady to put up with a guy she will regret for life. 3) Time wasters: Some guys are good time wasters. H

✓ Did He Truly Love Me?

Good morning sir, please sir hide my I'd and post my story, am one of your members here. My story goes like this, my husband married me for four years now without a child, but before the marriage he told me that he has 4 children outside that his people are forbidden to marry from the woman’s place , that the woman is an outcast, I said ok, but after my traditional marriage with he totally changed. Now my problem is if we have any misunderstanding he will remind me that I don't have time again that as a woman my time is going, that I should leave and let him marry since I can't get pregnant for him, that his parents are disturbing him to come to the village to go and pay for that woman bride price, the woman that has children for him. So now I now desire to go back to my parents house so my family told me not to go there again, but since I went back to my parents house my husband didn't call me or my parents or my brothers. Am 28 years this year, he used to brings his g

✓ I am Finding It To Forget The Memory.

Hey boss, pls I  need advice.  My husband cheated on me February this year, since then I have lost my feelings for him, anytime we want to have intimacy with me I will remember that day and I won't agree., he has asked for forgiveness but I find it difficult to forgive him, since he can cheat on me with my friend. He cheated on me with my friend and claim that he was drunk. since that February I have not allow him to touch me and I have never cheated on him.. Pls house advise me, how will I forget about it, because our romantic life has become zero since then, it's has reduced the love I have for him. Please advice me how will I love him back? Last night, I couldn't sleep because he was begging throughout to have his way and this morning he started complaining of stomach ache and couldn't go to work on time. We do talk, joke and he doesn't joke with his responsibility but once he make moves for intimacy I feel nothing for him. 

Matrimonial Advise For Everyone Single And Searching.

Always, I mean always remember that Marriage is a life of it's own, is not a relationship that you can walk out at anytime and decided to apologize and come back to the life of that person whenever you want to, so therefore before you go into Marriage: Think of someone who truly wants to be your partner, someone that's responsible in personality, a supporter and a provider, an individual that knows how to protect a union and as well value it, a man or woman who knows the value of matrimony, who knows the benefits of respect and how to respect opposite gender not someone who just wants a child from you.  Carefully select someone that's willing to be a father, or a mother to you and your children because Marriage is beyond wedding. To be frank with you. After I got married I realized that Marriage is not about physical maturity, marriage itself is full of challenges and marriage can only work for those that are willing to be there, that's why is not for everyone. So make

✓ I Am Confused, I Need Advise.

Good evening admin ..pls post for me and keep me anonymous. I am a 19 year old from Kenya.  So my issue is this.  I met my boyfriend in 2022...he texted me on Facebook, we vibes and continued talking and then all of a sudden, he went mute for the whole of 2023 and later texted me February this year. I was in a relationship and I told him, but at that time we were having issues with my then boyfriend. We decided to meet up and know each other more since we had never met before. The first time he made advances on me and I refused, on our second meet up we romanced mind you I was growing fond of him, my boyfriend then was stock on his ex and I was tired of fighting for the relationship. On our third meet up we smashed, things led to another we became attached to each other so April we made it official, due to the long distance we kept having issues but we loved each other. So this time came I went to see him and he told me that he can no longer continue the relationship that he


One of the powerful Grace and anointing every believer must pray to have in their life and Destiny as they work with God is the GRACE to know and understand what to do when prophetic seasons are changing in their lives.  Many believers still does not understand and know how to manage the transition that occurs between them moving from one season to greater one. Please understand it is not enough for you to pray for God to elevate you to a higher season of GLORY.  Praying alone without the understanding of seasons and times will still limit your ability to move forward to your new season even though God has answered your prayer for ELEVATION and NEXT LEVEL.  You see one of the most important graces that you need to transit from one season to a greater one is the Grace for the gift of  DISCERNMENT. Without the excellent gift of DISCERNMENT, it will be difficult to understand the season you are with God,  what He expects you to and the helpers He has sent to help you do His will and fulfi

✓ The Unspoken Bond of True Friendship.

In the world of true friendship, words often fall short. It's not always what we say that defines our connection, but the comforting silences we share. Those quiet moments, where nothing needs to be said, speak louder than any conversation ever could.  Real friends understand each other beyond words. They can sit together in silence, feeling completely understood and at peace. It’s the kind of bond where simply being in each other’s presence is enough—where the unspoken understanding and trust mean more than a thousand words ever could. Cherish the friends with whom you can share these silent conversations. They are the ones who truly get you, who know your heart without needing an explanation.  In these quiet moments, the deepest connections are made.  

✓How Cheating Makes You Insensitive.

Cheating is a very serious relationship/marriage offence. When someone cheats on their partner/spouse, things will never remain the same.Yesterday I addressed the ladies with a promise of doing same with the men today. So my wonderful men, are you ready? With the exception of some men who have been pushed to the wall by their wives in their marriages, cheating is unacceptable.  Cheating is the highest breach of trust in a marriage. Marriage is like a TRUST and the spouses are like the TRUSTEES. There is a section of men who believe that cheating is in men's DNA, meaning, something they can't help. Another section of men believe that cheating is a trending thing, meaning, it isn't bad to be involved in cheating. Whatever the section of men one belongs to, it's only ungodly men who cheat. No God-fearing man will "outrightly" cheat on his wife.  As a man, I don't know how you feel about me. I have said it countless times in the secret and in the open that I h

Marital Prayers For God's Blessing Over Your Marriage.

Nothing happens by emergency to God, remember the bible says we should pray without timetable. Pray at all season which is whether there's trial or not, always pray. Also whatever that's going on in your marriage today, whether you are happy in your marriage or not, always pray for your marriage. Today, say these prayer points for your marriage, possibly add your own because I expect you to be fully inspired by the Holy Spirit when you start these prayer. Say; Father, arise and let all the enemies of my marital breakthrough and settlement, scatter by fire  in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. I decree over my life today, this week, I receive the grace for favor. My ears will hear good news, and my hands will from today start carrying good things in the name of Jesus. Take over my house both physical and spiritual so that no one will put us assunder. I present my children before you oh God (call your children's names one after the other) help me and my spouse to teach them your ways

When God Directs Our Steps.

If you carefully look at what the Bible said in Proverbs 16:9, you will understand that as you plan for your good, for your pleasure, your greatness, is only God that can direct your steps. So it will be important to understand that your achievements are not by your efforts or your smartness, is God that directed your wisdom for all the good things you have to come to you. Today I declare that all your steps will be directed by God in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. You will no more be stressed out before you achieve something meaningful for yourself and family in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. On this beautiful and blessed Tuesday morning, as you step out to hustle for your daily bread, the Lord will direct your footsteps accordingly in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. The Lord God of Israel will not be quiet and see you put to shame in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Those planning evil deeds against you will not find peace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ; The pestilence that wo

Morning Prayer For Success And Breakthroughs In Your Daily Life.

As you step out of your home today hustling for your daily bread, I pray for you that, the most high God will scatter every mountains that is standing against your path for success.  Jehovah will unfold your life with fresh blessing, favor, upliftment, and divine connection to give you testimonies of greatness in Jesus name.  From today in your life there will be a new beginning, strangers will favor you, visitors will be a blessing to you and your family. Your business shall experience a new turnaround, customers from far away and nearby will come to patronize you, you shall increase in fortune, as the sun shines you will remembered for good by all that knows you, amen. I declare that God will make those people who have overlooked and undervalued you, to start seeing the hidden treasure God puts in you, you will attract greatness.  God will open a door of breakthrough in your life, and it can never be closed by anyone because is God whom by himself Open it for you. God will prepare a

Reasons Why Showing Kindness is important in Marriage.

Marriage as instructed by God in heaven is more than sharing a life together with someone else from another family or cultural background; rather it’s about creating and building, unbiased relationships and partnership that can independently thrive on a mutual respect and genuine love. As loving each genuinely is responsible for the foundation of your marriage, acts of sincere kindness should be the glue that will keep everything bonded. Kindness in marriage means more than just saying "I love you"—it’s about showing it through actions every day. It’s the warm, encouraging words during tough times, the small gestures of appreciation that make your partner feel valued, and the patience to listen and understand their feelings. Kindness helps to: Build Trust: By consistently showing care and empathy, you create a safe space where both partners feel secure. Resolve Conflicts:Approaching disagreements with a kind heart can turn potential conflicts into opportunities for growth and

Advantages Of Marrying Early.

This article is my personal opinion so it's not to push anyone into marriage when you are not ready or willing to get married. I saying it based on personal experience that I have had in marriage already as a married man. 1. No matter how you started it's possible for you and your partner to start a fresh romantic and intimacy history, there's no drama of many past ex's and because of this, you will have lesser distraction in your marriage. 2. There's true love in younger people. Please I am not saying that older people doesn't love or hate anyone, but the older you grow, the more insecure you become about dating relationships due to past experiences especially someone that have had broken relationships in the past, and you're not able or even willing to give it your all again. 3. As young couples it will be easier to plan your lives together, no one will tell you that you only came to consume what they had already worked hard for. 3. You give birth to stron

What Is Love In Marriage All About To You?

For me, love is my everything. It's the foundation of my life starting from God down to my family members including my parents, my spouse, and then my children, it's the essence of my being.  To love my wife is not just a part of who I am or who I want to be or what I expect from him, but it's all I live for, knowing fully well that love contributes to my wellbeing.  Talking about Love in marriage, it goes beyond the surface for example characters and actions we see and receive from each other as Husband and wife; sincerely it's about choosing each other every day, finding joy in the little moments we share both when we are physically together and when my wife is not physically with me, and then building a future together with unwavering commitment because we are fully aware that we will be together forever. True love in marriage is about being each other's strength whether there's weakness or not, inspiring each other especially when there's challenges or o

The Marriage I Got Myself Into.

I never knew what Marriage is actually all about when I got married to my wife. I thought since we truly and sincerely love each other genuinely, then it's enough to be in marriage but I was totally wrong, I have think about it several times and conclude that I was wrong. Yes I love her deep down my heart and she does the same to me as well, but frankly speaking, Marriage is more than just confessing love to your partner, dear friend marriage not as you see it okay, it's more deep than you have known, you will discover more when you get married. So now based on experience I want to let you know the things that will make you happy in your marriage at all times, it help me, even individually we are all different in so many things but at the same time there are things that can actually work for everyone. 1. You must be tolerance. Yes I said must and that's how it should be. Hope you know that your partner can get angry even in something you didn't imagine will make him or